2024 KPI and Budget Challenge

2024 KPI and Budget Challenge.

From September 4th to 6th, 2023, we embarked on an exciting journey at Villea Port Dickson for our first company retreat, the 2024 KPI and Budget Challenge.

This event brought together the entire PKNS FMI Management and Staff, united in our commitment to excellence. To make this experience even more enriching, we collaborated with Akademi PKNS Sdn Bhd who expertly moderated and guided us through three intense days of KPI and Budget Challenges.

Our PKNS FMI team truly shone during this retreat, demonstrating exceptional dedication in setting KPIs and managing budgets. Their outstanding performance has set the stage for our company’s growth in the upcoming challenging year.

Congratulations to all our PKNS FMI team members who excelled during these three days!

With this newfound knowledge and unity, we’re excited to move forward as a stronger team, ready to elevate PKNS FMI to new heights in Facilities Management. Together, we’ll conquer the challenges and reach greater successes!

To culminate this remarkable program, we hosted a final dinner where we celebrated the successful completion of our retreat and honored our dedicated staff for their invaluable contributions to our company’s success.

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